How to Set Up Logic Pro for Remoto Playback Streaming
Learn how to optimize Logic Pro for seamless Remoto Playback streaming, ensuring a seamless streaming experience..
Table of Contents
This article explains how to a) set up Logic as a streaming source for Remoto Playback, and b) enable Logic timecode syncing so you and your guests can create Timecoded Markers. Template projects with stereo through 7.1 audio tracks are available for download HERE to help with setup and troubleshooting. Test audio files are also provided.
Logic can be used as an application streaming source for both audio and video with Remoto Playback. In order for timecode markers to line up as expected, MTC must be set up as well. There is no direct communication occurring between Remoto and Logic, all communications/exchanges that occur are occurring at an OS level.
Note that Logic must be opened and ready BEFORE Remoto Playback is opened.
NOTE: There is an alternate workflow not listed here that is helpful if you use both Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro. We have not documented this alternative, but it may be explored here: This program allows you to use Final Cut for video playback and Logic Pro for audio playback and links the two together.
This article contains 4 chapters:
- How to set up Logic to Generate and Send MTC for Timecoded Markers
- How to set up Logic as an Audio Streaming Source using a Virtual Audio Device
- How to set up Logic as a Video Streaming Source using Screen Capture
How to set up Logic as a Video Streaming Source using NDI
How to set up Logic to Generate and Send MTC for Timecoded Markers
Logic Pro can generate and send MTC (MIDI timecode) and send it to Remoto Playback, enabling the use of Remoto Playback’s timecoded markers feature. This process involves 3 steps in Logic, and one step in Remoto Playback.
Logic Set Up
Step 1: In Logic’s Sync settings (File > Project Settings > Synchronization Settings > MIDI) check MTC, not MMC.
Step 2: Set Destination to “Remoto_out” Note: If this is your first time setting this up, and If this Remoto destination does not show up for you, you may need to start your session in Remoto first. Once configured the first time, it will not need to be configured again.
Step 3: Make sure your clock start position matches your project start time.
Remoto Playback Set Up
Timecoded Markers Settings:
This setting must be configured before a stream can be launched. Currently, the only available option to select is “Remoto MIDI Device Input Port”.
How to set up Logic as an Audio Streaming Source using a Virtual Audio Device
Logic Pro can only use one audio device at a time, and has an output channel limitation of 12 channels (7.1.4). Our suggested approach utilizes an Aggregate IO in Mac’s Audio Midi Setup to route to your normal system output if you wish. Then you will route to a third party virtual audio device called BlackHole Audio that will feed Remoto Playback. Logic can not output to multiple surround outputs at once - meaning there can only be one surround output, and you only have control over separate output channels if they are stereo. This means, if you would like to stream surround to Remoto, you can do so, but if you would like to listen locally, off of Logic, a stereo fold down would need to be set up for a local listening destination.
Your Logic project must be a sample rate of 48kHz.
Logic Pro Set Up
Step 1: Make sure BlackHole audio is downloaded.
Step 2: Open Mac’s Audio Midi Setup. Make sure Audio Devices are displayed. If they are not visible (they are hidden), go to Window > Show Audio Devices.
Step 3: Press the “+” in the bottom left to create a new Aggregate Device. Give it a name, and choose all the devices you would like to use with Logic Pro. This would include the device you are currently using with Logic Pro as your monitoring system (say, onboard speakers), and in our case, BlackHole audio. Enabling drift correction is encouraged. Take note as to what channels correspond to what device.
Step 4: In Logic Pro’s output device settings (Settings > Audio > Devices), choose “My Aggregate Device” (or, whatever you named the Aggregate Device you previously selected).
You’ll now be able to send tracks and busses to both your monitoring system (in stereo) and to a virtual audio device (surround) for Remoto Playback to receive.
Step 5: Make sure your surround IO assignments in Logic (Settings > Audio > I/O Assignments) are correct in accordance to the format you would like to output (either 5.1 or 7.1, SMPTE or Film):
5.1 SMPTE:
5.1 FILM:
7.1 SMPTE:
7.1 FILM:
Step 6: Make sure the outputs of your surround tracks are set to “surround”. These will send out the surround output as configured in step 5.
Step 7: If you plan to monitor off of Logic locally in stereo, set up a stereo track and buss your tracks (foldown) to this track, and set the output to an available stereo output as designated in your aggregate device. Alternatively you can monitor the surround format from Remoto which will be configured when you start your session.
Remoto Playback Set Up
Step 1: When configuring the audio source for the stream in Remoto’s Session Settings, select Audio Input Type: Virtual Audio Device, and then select the device that was configured in Logic (in this example: “BlackHole Audio 16ch”), matching the surround format previously set in Logic. Notice that the Aggregate Device created in Audio Midi Setup will be available as an option to choose, but note that this includes the send to the monitoring setup and thus the channels being received by Remoto will not line up.
How to set up Logic as a Video Streaming Source using Screen Capture
Logic Pro Set Up
The most convenient way to capture Logic Pro's video is to place it in an available display or part of your screen in preparation to use screen capture.
Remoto Playback Set Up
Video Settings
In Remoto Playback’s Video Session Settings, select "Screen Capture" as the Video Input type. Then select the area of the screen that contains the Finder window previously set as a guide for the Logic video playback window.
While Logic appears as an option if "Application" is configured as the input, selecting it would stream the entire Logic window rather than the desired video area. Selecting screen capture resolves this issue.
Once the stream is started in Remoto, a prompt to configure Preferences will appear, enabling the configuration of a local monitoring destination for the stream audio.
Streaming Video Using NDI
NDI Scan Converter, which is free third-party software published by NDI Tools, enables the capture and presentation of a display, or any combination of windows, applications, players, webcams, etc from a workstation, to any location within a local network. We can use NDI to capture Logic’s video window, allowing the window to be placed anywhere within the display window, and even operating behind other applications without issue.
NDI + Logic Set Up
To proceed, download the NDI Core Suite from NDI Tools. Then, with Logic’s Video window open, complete these 5 steps:
Step 1: Open the “NDI Launcher” application, and launch “NDI Scan Converter”. The application opens and the top menu bar reads “NDI Scan Convertor”.
Step 2: In the menu bar, choose “Capture”, and select “Logic”; the available windows are now displayed.
Streaming of the Logic's video window to Remoto Playback is now enabled.
The windows are listed by resolution only. If there are many Logic windows open on screen (such as for plugins, etc.) determining the correct window to capture may require some trial and error.
Step 3: Select a window
Step 4: Mute NDI Audio
Once a window has been selected, go to “Settings” and ensure “Mute Audio” is selected.
This is important! Since NDI is capturing both audio and video at the OS level, failing to mute the audio in NDI will route it to other programs and potentially cause feedback or other audio issues.
Remoto Playback Set Up
Video Session Settings:
In Remoto Playback’s Session Settings Configuration page, under Video Settings, select “NDI” as the Video Input Type, revealing the only option available for Streaming Video Input: a single pre-configured option from NDI Scan Converter. The Frame Rate will be grayed out as it is predetermined by NDI Scan Converter.