Quickstart Guide: Remoto Playback Guest User
Learn how to create a Remoto account, how to join sessions, and how to collaborate in a session with this quickstart guide.
Table of Contents
You’ve received an email invitation to a Remoto Playback Session. Now what!?
For a decision tree on how to join a session, please visit this article.
Receive Invitation
The email invitation you received includes scheduling details, and also a one-time password for creating a Remoto account in order to join a session.
Create a Guest Account
Remoto Guest accounts are free and required for security purposes. There are two types of accounts: Organizers and Guests. The difference between them is that Organizers have paid accounts and can schedule and host streaming sessions, and Guests have free accounts and can join and participate in sessions only. For more in depth info on the account creation process, please see this article.
You can create your Guest account by clicking “Use Desktop App” or “Use Web App” buttons in the email. The account creation process is the same for both, though if you choose “Use Desktop App” you’ll first be directed to download the Desktop Application. Remoto Playback Desktop is a macOS only application, so if you have an Apple computer, and if you expect to regularly participate in Remoto Playback sessions we recommend downloading.
When you arrive at the login page, enter your email, and the temporary password you received in the invitation email. If it’s not working, or you can’t find it, click on “click here” at the bottom of the window to be sent a new one.
From there, you’ll be brought to the account creation window. Fill out the fields, and make sure your password includes at least:
- 8 Characters
- 1 Lowercase character
- 1 Uppercase character
- 1 Special Character
- 1 Number
After this, you’ll be prompted to read and accept Remoto’s Terms and conditions. Click sign up.
At this point, a verification code will be sent to your email.
Verify your email and account by entering the verification code that was sent to your email, and click through to Sign In to confirm your account.
Join a Session
Now that you’ve created your free Guest account, you can join the session you were invited to once the session has been started by the session Organizer. You can join the session from your invitation email through either “Use Desktop App” or “Use Web App”.
What’s the difference between them?
- “Use Desktop App” will require you to download the application, which requires you to have a Mac-based computer running Big Sur 11.1 or later. This is the best option for the most full-featured experience if possible.
- “Use Web App” will allow you to join via Remoto Web in a browser, which is ideal if you need to join from a mobile device, or if you don't have an Apple computer. The session Organizer has the option to require all Guests to join from the Desktop application. If that’s the case, “Join From Web” will redirect you to download the application.
Remoto Desktop includes the ability to add timecoded markers, and receive and listen to multichannel audio. Remoto Web does not include timecoded markers and is limited to stereo (multichannel audio will be mixed down to stereo). It’s a good idea to let the organizer know if you don’t have an Apple computer, just in case, so they can make sure they choose the best Streaming option for all Guests to be able to view the stream.
Joining a Session From Remoto Playback Desktop
If you’re joining from the Desktop application, once you’ve logged in you’ll see the Dashboard window. Any sessions you’ve been invited to will appear here.
If the Organizer has started the session, the “Join Session” button will be illuminated.
Click on “Join Session”.
Configure Call and Stream Preferences
You will be directed to the “Call and Stream Preferences” window, where you can choose and test your camera, microphone input, and speaker output. Stream audio will default to the call audio output destination, but you can split the stream audio to an alternate location if you want by utilizing alternate speakers. For example, you may want to listen to the call audio through your earbuds, but listen to the stream audio on your connected speakers.
When you are ready, click “Ask to Join”
Once the Session has been started by the Organizer, they receive a “Join Request” from Guests prompting them to “Admit” or “Decline.”
While you wait, this dialog will appear to let you know that you must wait for the Organizer to approve your join request:
Once your join request has been approved you will be admitted to the session and viewing the Session through Studio View. This is the content streaming window, but you can also:
- Change your local audio volume for the stream audio or the call audio. Turn either one down to turn that audio all the way off.
- Create a timecoded marker and access a list of markers.
- View a list of session attendees and interact with them through text and video chat.
- Mute and unmute your microphone or turn your video feed on and off.
- View the stream in full screen mode.
- Leave the session at any time by clicking on the “Leave Session” button at the bottom right of the screen. If the session is still active, you can rejoin at any time by either clicking on the Studio button, the “Join Session” button in the Dashboard, or the “You are in a live session” banner at the top of the dashboard.
What are Timecoded Markers?
This is a Desktop-only feature that allows anyone participating in the stream to create a timecoded marker. These are separate from the general chat function and are entered in the markers window located below the stream viewer. Timecoded markers can be exported and imported into a host DAW, aligned with the time of the original source material. For more information about timecoded markers, please see our “Working With Timecoded Markers” article.
Joining a Session From Remoto Playback Web
To join a session from the Web, in the invitation email, click on “Join from Web”.
You’ll be directed to log in. You’ll also be prompted to enable browser permissions to use your camera and microphone.
Once you’re signed in, if the session has been started by the Organizer, the left side of the screen will let you know that it’s been started and will provide the decision details to you. you’ll be prompted to set and check your “Call and Stream Preferences”, where you can select your camera input, your microphone input, and set your speaker destination.
Click on “Ask to Join”. Once session Organizer has admitted you, you are in the session you can communicate with other participants through audio and video chat only.
From the web interface, you can perform the following actions:
- Mute/unmute your microphone
- Turn your video feed off/on
- View a list of video chat participants and camera feed
- View the stream in full screen mode.
- Leave the session
Timecoded markers are not available with Remoto Web.
If you’ve left the session, you can rejoin at any point while it is still active by clicking the “Join from Web” button in the invitation email.